Capsule Review Archive – Paperbacks from Hell: The Twisted History of '70s and '80s Horror Fiction by Grady Hendrix
This review originally appeared on Goodreads on September 6, 2021.
Paperbacks from Hell: The Twisted History of '70s and '80s Horror Fiction
By Grady Hendrix – Quirk Books – September 19, 2017
Review by Robin Marx
This is a brisk, thoroughly entertaining look at the heyday of straight-to-paperback horror fiction. Grady Hendrix is often snarky about the books and the over-the-top excesses of their plots, but his affection and enthusiasm for the subject material comes across loud and clear. This book also deserves praise for the attention devoted to lurid cover artwork and skilled artists that played such a critical role in moving these books off the shelves. This book is an easy recommendation for any horror fan. It will make you want to scour your local used bookstore.
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