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This review originally appeared on Goodreads on July 28, 2015.

Chapter and Verse – New Order, Joy Division and Me

By Bernard Sumner – Corgi Books – September 10, 2015

Review by Robin Marx

I read this book in parallel with Peter Hook's Unknown Pleasures: Inside Joy Division, and the two books could not be more different.

Chapter and Verse is appealing in that it covers the history of New Order as well as Joy Division, but it felt like the narrower scope of Unknown Pleasures allowed a much more satisfying level of detail. Hooky really got into the nitty-gritty of Joy Division's history, full of juicy anecdotes. This book was still very interesting, but written in a brisk, breezy style that ended up feeling shallower than Hooky's book.

The portions about Sumner's childhood, the gradual failure of the Hacienda, and his falling out with Peter Hook were the most fleshed-out and, perhaps consequently, the most intriguing parts of the book to me. While Hooky's book was mostly dismissive of Sumner, Sumner seems genuinely hurt and puzzled about the reasons behind the deterioration in their three-decade friendship. Fans hoping for much insight into individual events in the band's history or the story behind many of New Order's most famous songs (apart from the rather dispensable World Cup theme “World in Motion”) are likely to be disappointed. That being said, I felt like I gained some insight into Sumner's life, and that was enough for me.


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